
Showing posts from July, 2015

Travel to Khali; The highest pass to reach the Largest and Deepest lake of Nepal "RARA"

Heading to Khali Around 7 am of morning I took Jeeps to Cherray Chaur hoping that crossing the pass before 10am so that we could not hit by heat of sun while climbing uphill. Unfortunately, Jeeps is not able to climb the road besides KTS due to muddy and slippery. So, I need to start walk from KTS that means walking full day on sun. Cherray Grassland,Jumla As it is very hard to climb uphill during day time due to hot temperature. It took me an hour and half to reach Cherray Chaur; It is a beautiful grassland with religiously an important place for Hindu. Cherray Malika temple lies at the Northern west side in a small hillside surrounded by pine trees. During Shrawan Puni people from all over Jumla come to celebrate a festival. Students of KTS carrying Fire Wood student carrying firewood While climbing uphill I saw a student of KTS carrying wooden lounge that is used as fire wood in KTS.Student of KTS cook their food by them self as there has been di...

Shrawan Sankranti Festival Celebrated in Jumla

Shrawan Sankranti Festival Celebrated in Jumla   Shifting Culture Rako at Singachaur Village Shrawan Sankranti is a festival of festing and Merry making. It’s one of the important festival celebrated in Jumla.By this we can understand time of festival begins in Jumla. After this Gathey Mangal, travelling to Badi Malika, Bajura and Gaijatra festival are the closest festivals going to celebrated in Jumla. Rako;small fire of firewood Shrawan Sankranti   celebrated on the first day of month of Shrawan of Nepali year. This festival marks the end of plantation of paddy. Though , in Jumla plantation of paddy is finished by Asar due to himalaya region.   Chandanath and Bhairavnath Temple This month is regarded as the holiest month of all by Hindus all over the world. Each Monday Especially Women take fasting and dedicated to Lord Shiva for the purpose of gifting long and prosperous life to their husband. On that day they vi...