Sheeps to Pasture been started in Jumla !!!

Sheeps been taken to pasture land in meadows yearly on Jestha and stayed there till harvesting of rice and other crops.As winter begins they slowly started to brought down their sheeps to camp lies in a day walk. In every camps they stayed there for some weeks and again come down till winter begins and finally they arrived at their closest grassland or near to and some in villages.

Sheppards regularly lives by establishing a temporary house with plastics,tripal with some wooden log to look after their sheeps in meadows where herbal remedies found to eat. it is believe that the meat of sheeps is good for health because they eat herbal remedies in high grassland called meadows.

presently it's very less to see this practice as less people farming sheeps in Jumla. As less farmers farming sheeps the demand of meat and products of wool like carpet in Jumla are very high.These days supplies of products, sheeps and goats are mainly done from Bajura,Jajarkot.

To boost quality livelihood of farmers;

  • Traditionally farming must be shift to commercial farming to boost their livelihood through getting better price both at home and globally by maintaining quality of  their products and better prices.
  • Farmers should encouraged for better quality wool and products to get better prices. 
  • Farmers should get technical and financial support  as well as market management.


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